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LPPD Clarification Text

In accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("Law"), we, as BWA Dijital Yazılım Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti, state that ensuring and protecting the information security of our valued customers is among our priority principles and we would like to inform you about our mutual rights and obligations.

Purposes of processing personal data
Any operation performed on your personal data, such as obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, modifying, reorganizing, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available, classifying or preventing the use of your personal data by fully or partially automated or non-automated means, provided that it is part of any data recording system, is considered as "processing of personal data".Within the scope of the Law, your personal data that you have submitted to us is obtained and processed by BWA Dijital Yazılım Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. as the data controller in order to fulfill the obligations regulated in the legislation and stipulated by public legal entities; to use it in all software developed and all services offered, including but not limited to software development and providing consultancy services in this context, and their promotion and advertisements.

Persons and Organizations to whom Personal Data may be Transferred for the Purposes Specified Above

Your personal data may be shared with domestic/foreign servers, business and solution partners and all third parties, public legal entities and judicial authorities for the purposes stated above.

Method of Collection of Personal Data

Your personal data; Bilge Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş. and its representatives and our domestic / foreign affiliates, companies, institutions and organizations we cooperate with, official institutions and other third parties through verbal, written or fully or partially automated or non-automated means, provided that it is part of any data recording system.

Your Rights as a Data Subject

We would like to inform you that you have the following rights by applying to us regarding the processing of your personal data.

1. Find out whether your personal data is being processed,
2. Request information if your personal data has been processed,
3. To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
4. To know the third parties in Turkey or abroad to whom your personal data is transferred,
5. To request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
6. To request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,
7. To request notification of the transactions made pursuant to Articles (5) and (6) above to third parties to whom personal data are transferred,
8. To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
9. To demand the compensation of the damage in case you suffer damage due to the processing of your personal data in violation of the Law,

If you wish to exercise your above-mentioned rights set out in Article 11 of the Law, you may send your requests to us in writing through a notary public or by registered electronic mail address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or other methods set out in the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller.