edinkeys gif

Distance Sales Contract

ARTICLE 1. Parties

SELLER / SERVICE PROVIDER /Name/Title: BWA Dijital Yazılım Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti

Address: Sultan Selim Mah. Yamaç Sok. No:6/3 4.Levent Istanbul

Mersis No: 0187070143900011 Phone: +90 312 911 32 32

E-Mail: [email protected] Web Address: www.edinkeys.com

BUYER INFORMATION                                                                                                            


Buyer Name and Surname:

Buyer T.R. Identity No:

Buyer Address:

Buyer Phone No:

Service / Product Information:

Purchased Training:


Training Usage Period: 1 Year

Total Sales Price: VAT Included

Payment Method: Cash/Debit Card/Credit Card Single Draw 


Subject :The subject of this contract is to determine the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 4077 on the Protection of Consumers and the Regulation on Distance Contracts in relation to the sale and delivery of the product whose qualifications and sales price are specified below, which the BUYER ordered electronically from https://www.edinkeys.com/ and / or other domain addresses or addresses of the SELLER.  The BUYER accepts and declares that he / she has been informed by the seller in a clear, understandable and internet environment in accordance with the provisions of this contract about  all preliminary information about the goods subject to sale, the sale price, payment method, and costs, etc., and the exercise of the right of withdrawal and how to exercise this right, the official authorities to which complaints and objections can be submitted, etc. including name, title, open address, telephone and other access information, basic qualities of the goods subject to sale, including taxes and accepts and declares that it confirms this preliminary information electronically or by telephone and then orders goods or services in accordance with the provisions of this contract.


3.1. - The type and kind, quantity, features, sales price, payment method, invoice information of the services / services received electronically are as follows.

3.2. - In accordance with the information provided by the BUYER, the SELLER freezes the entry into force of the service for 15 (fifteen) days in cases where the SELLER detects a problem in the service order and cannot reach the BUYER from the telephone, e-mail and postal addresses provided by the BUYER. The BUYER is expected to contact the SELLER regarding the issue during this period. If no response is received from the BUYER within this period, the SELLER cancels the service order in order to prevent damage to both parties. In case of cancellation of the sale, the Buyer agrees in advance to pay 40% of the total amount to be paid.


4.1.- The BUYER realizes the purchase with one of the methods of Credit Card Sales, Bank Transfer / EFT Sales after the transactions that will qualify for membership are completed.

4.2.- Sale by Credit Card: The sales transaction is realized when the buyer creates an order for the product and / or service, which includes all the details and information regarding the sale and delivery determined by the SELLER and included on the website, through the website and accepts the preliminary information text and the distance sales contract and pays the price of the product and / or service by credit card.

4.3. Bank Transfer / EFT Sales: The sales transaction is realized when the buyer accepts the preliminary information text and the distance sales contract with the confirmation mail sent to the e-mail address sent to the e-mail address he/she provided after the buyer creates an order on the website, or states that he/she will register on the phone, and makes a commitment to pay the price of the service to the SELLER's bank account on the jointly agreed dates (creating a payment record) and the product and / or service containing all the details and information regarding the sale and delivery determined by the SELLER and included on the website.


5.1. The SELLER accepts and undertakes to fulfill the obligations imposed on him in the contract in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 4077 on the Protection of Consumers and the Regulation on Distance Contracts, except in force majeure.

5.2. (www.edinkeys.com) (SELLER) is not responsible for price inaccuracies caused by system errors. Based on system errors, the BUYER cannot claim rights and receivables from the SELLER.

5.3.The SELLER shall not be liable for late or incomplete performance or non-performance of any of its obligations specified in this preliminary Information Form and the Agreement. in failures in the systems that constitute the direct and indirect technical infrastructure of the service, bad weather conditions, war, terrorist acts, embargo, broadcast closure, access blocking, access interruption and restriction decisions of administrative and legal authorities, in all cases beyond the reasonable control of the SELLER and deemed force majeure under the Code of Obligations including natural disasters, fire, flood, riot, strike, infrastructure and internet failures  These and similar cases shall not be deemed to be delay, incomplete performance or non-performance or default for the SELLER, nor shall any compensation be claimed under any name from the SELLER for these cases.

5.4. The SELLER reserves the right to change the content it offers. In this context, it may change the people who make presentations in different time broadcasts. This change cannot be considered as incomplete performance of the contract.

5.5. The SELLER cannot be held responsible for any damages caused by the BUYER or third parties visiting the links on the SELLER's website for advertising purposes or to allow access to other sites.

5.6. In case of breach of contract, the SELLER reserves the right to demand compensation for any damages. This contract is deemed to be suspended during the suspension period if the publication of the site is stopped or stopped for any reason. The BUYER cannot claim compensation for sales transactions suspended in this process.

5.7. If the BUYER does not comply with the legal legislation on this contract, violates one of the provisions of this contract or does not comply with the site rules, the SELLER; may terminate the contract unilaterally at any time without notice and without giving any reason. In addition to termination, the SELLER has the right to freeze, restrict, terminate the BUYER's membership to the site, as well as to delete documents, content, comments and all kinds of information regarding the violation of the contract and remove them from the site.


Right of WithdrawalRight of Withdrawal: The buyer may return the training (without starting the training via www.edinkeys.com) within (7) days from the date of delivery of the confirmation mail.

Date of Signing                                                                                                          BUYER / DATE / 